Saturday, 2 December 2023

Love still hurts past youth

  A long time ago, back in my campus days (it's long back, believe me), I had an immense crash on a boy in my class. There was nothing unique about him, except that he was a virgin, did not consume alcohol, was constantly loaded and ... he crashed on me first, long before I even noticed he existed. And that is how I found myself falling in raw love - unprotected with no need of protecting my heart because, what could this harmless guy do to hurt me? (rolls eyes disgusted at my then naivety). And just like that, my sun rose and set in this guy's eyes. Let me ruin the end of this story - the only good thing that came out of it is that I can brag with them rest of the boys, that I broke someone's virginity (is it breaking when the boy is the virgin?)

Anyway, back to the story, the boy cheated with a woman in my class that I found so much pleasure in calling 'ugly cheetah' after a bout of chicken pox immediately after she snatched 'the love of my life'. I digress, again, sorry about that, this is not about her. This is about 4 years or so later, when I somehow bumped into this man, whom I somewhat believed that I still loved. We met in church! (rolling eyes the second time). We got talking and within a span of hours, I was girlfriend again, better, he still had the same woman so I was just taking back what I believed to be mine! we went for a date and 2 days later we were cooking a meal in his house, (a very tastefully decorated house on a scale of other African men, so congratulations man, if you ever get to read this. sorry for this digress, it's the only compliment to the said man in this post, so it is necessary). As would be expected, this was the night we were to connect in every way possible. We had our little foreplay, kissing, hugging, laughing... next thing we are in bed and this man unleashes his....(where are the drums?)... pinkie! (Whoever called a small dick a pinkie will burn in hell for sure). Let me say, I looked at this man and I started wondering why I was hang up on this for the last 4 years! I could not believe that I had been so blinded by love that I had never noticed that I used to cum from a pinkie! Needless to say, I left the same night with the love replaced by respectable disgust! you have to have some real guts to cheat on a woman when you possess such a dick!

Why did I tell you this story? simple, to reiterate what I have always believed and said, that this love thing is all in the mind. (If you don't believe it, you need to re-read this post, the only way(s) you love a man with a pinkie is if it's in your mind or you are bewitched). 

Remember this god man that I have always ranted about here? well, his presence has been felt recently... don't ask, maybe one day I will tell you. Anyway, classic him, I have to shed tears once in a while, but I swear today I am done (please don't count the number of times I have been done with him). I'm looking for a brain therapist that can switch him off my mind because I cannot be thirty something and crying, this is classic bullshit!

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