Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Of writers, readers and the rest

I have realized that, just like the way not everybody can write, not everybody can read either.  As in, there are writers, there are readers and then we have the rest. If you write a piece and the person who reads it is not the intended audience, or this person knows one or two things about you, or they are in a very emotional state, then my friend, you are going to be grossly misinterpreted.  Like everything else written, the junk we write around can relate to different people in different ways. Take for instance the Bible, story of Esther. It could tell you a lot of things. It could tell you that you’ll be blessed from a humble background to be a queen, it could tell you that your people will be blessed through you, and for me, it tells me that proper women, have more power than often admitted.

That said, I will give you an example of something badly interpreted. My exboyfriend, he blogs, a lot. He writes great pieces, till this day, I cannot avoid going through his work. I believe I am a good reader, and something has to appeal to me to pass for a great piece, which sadly, most of my pieces do not. Anyway, so I decide to go through his archive, and to make sure I don’t skip anything he has written, I organize them as per to the month they were published, starting with the oldest. This guy can write, I mean, his first piece is not at all amateur, for all I care, he could have been writing since his toddler days. So I come across this piece on marriage, and for some strange reason I feel the need to put my opinion in the comment section, under a hidden identity. Now, if you have been my friend for some time, you do know that my view of marriage is totally screwed up. I think people abuse marriage and love; for pure and genuine love and marriages are there and can be made. I believe that we let too much dirt and crap in, hence staining the purity of love. So in my opinion, there’s no need of courting for 5 years and finally tying the knot. I believe in getting ditched on the 2nd month or thereabouts of meeting a person. That way, you marry someone purely out of first love, pure love, before you hear some gossip that she once aborted, or she’s a gossip, before your parents express dislike for his tribe, before your friends get their opinion on her.

So I post my opinion there, and because we know each other so well we can finish each other’s sentences, he figures it’s me. How does that go down? Not well, but worse, he completely misunderstands the message. He takes it that I’m trying to communicate a point across, which, to be frank, I had not even thought about. So you guessed right, a lot of things I said went into judging me, where I previously could say anything my roaming mind felt like, my conversation with him is paralyzed, because full time, I am afraid of saying the wrong thing. And like anything else fake, this relationship does not take long to die.

Today, someone else misinterpreted my piece (not in a good way). A non-reader this one, to say the least, and one whose opinion does not matter at all. But this went on further to prove my point above. Maybe, I should write less on some sites, and concentrate on feeding you, my ghostly fans, the garbage in my mind, which I am yet to learn to express in good sentences. Atleast, I figure that, if you got to this blog, then you must be a reader of some sort. Non-readers do not use search engines, neither do they read articles. In doing this, I hope you, my dearies, will recognize with what I have written, I hope it will apply to you, (or not, given this is a rant about my life, mostly the negatives), but I hope you can detach your feelings from the writers. Sometimes, make that most times, I cannot even tell my own moods, and I can promise you that my writing does not either. (Not necessarily anyway). Happy reading.

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