Tuesday 1 October 2013

My two cent on Shebesh

So Rachel Shebesh is nursing a broken (or is it twisted?) arm, thanks to Nairobi Senator, aka Mike Sonko. This is the fourth time the lady has faced physical harassment from a male politician, worse, this has resulted in an injury. I have never been a politics person, but this isn't politics, it is a show of male chauvinism and she has become the waste basket. I am annoyed to no end and I say it’s time for this crap to stop. Not because I care so much for Shebesh aka manzi wa nai, but I feel that this is a personal attack to my womanhood. So I say this, I hate the inflictors of this shameful bodily harm, but I hate the woman who allows it more, she is a shame to womenfolk. What the hell do you think happens when you allow people to treat you like trash? She should sue them damnit! All the whole lot of crappy selfish motherfuckers with some ruined and bruised egos that need to be fixed by hitting a woman who is not even their relative. I bet they all have tiny specks of dangling male genitalia which they should even be ashamed to call dicks! Crappy stupid motherfucking idiots. And this to Shebesh, the next time you let an idiot treat you like dust bin, kindly make sure I don’t get to hear of it because I will slap you too. At least when the rest of us let a man treat us badly, it is because he has cargo to kill for and we want some bit of that, no matter what! Not some random idiot with stolen money who you have never seen naked! And to Shebesh’s husband, you are as useless as they come, and now your wife is paying for it by being treated as a music drum by useless semi literate, backward, shallow minded male politicians. Makubaff!


  1. I know you have heard of sadomasochists my dear. Besides, those are people who are extracting 1M from your pockets each month bila sweat. They can take care of themselves.

  2. It's the anger Pex, the woman in me feels totally insulted! I would exchange money for womanly respect any time, they just hit the wrong nerve.

  3. You would exchange money for all that, but assuming you have read you have read articles:



    you know you are worrying yourself sick about people who will be laughing at your concern.

  4. well, clearly she knows the men naked, unlike my earlier assumption. Still, that is degrading for a woman, and I have to say, Shebesh's dramas are a bit too frequent and they affect all women in a more than insignificant way.
